• Happy Holidays from OpenEM

    This past year has been a whirlwind for the OpenEM project! We wanted to take this opportunity to thank the participants for their hard work, provide some updates on the current project status, and of course wish all of you a Joyeux Noël, Happy Holidays, Frohe Weihnachten, and Buon Anno!

  • First documentation available

    We have completed our website and filled the documentation with initial life. Some components are still under development and their call-up and appearance have not yet been finalised. The documentation for these components will be added at a later date.

  • PoC successfully completed

    According to our timeline, the PoC phase was scheduled to be completed on 20 September. We were able to successfully conclude this phase with a joint workshop for the core team.

  • Updated project page

    We have worked on our project page and added the most important project information. You can now find everything about the project and the members on the page. Technical documentation and instructions will be added over time.

  • Public presentation on OpenEM June 13

    Join us for updates on OpenEM and our sister project, PREMISE! This follows the submission of the project’s intermediate report to the ETH-ORD committee. More information:

  • Announcing the Open Science Community for EM (OSCEM)

    OpenEM strives to follow FAIR principles for all of our data: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. A major part of interoperability between services is describing datasets using a standardized vocabulary shared between the larger electron microscopy community. This means representing data with a well-defined schema or data model, as well as agreeing on an ontology defining the meaning of each piece of metadata.

  • [Closed] Recruiting software engineers in Lausanne and Geneva

    Two new positions are now seeking applicants for the OpenEM project!

  • OpenEM logo

    OpenEM logo

  • Visit OpenEM at the CCP-EM 2023 Spring Symposium

    Spencer Bliven and Alun Ashton will be at the CCP-EM Symposium April 25-27. Please give us your thoughts on OpenEM!

  • [Closed] Recruiting a Data Engineer at EMPA!

    Update: The EMPA position is no longer accepting applicants. Watch this site for upcoming positions.

  • OpenEM in the media: Making the most of our data

    OpenEM has been featured in a recent article entitled “Making the most of our data”. The article highlights Open Research Data projects at the Paul Scherrer Institute.