Join us for updates on OpenEM and our sister project, PREMISE! This follows the submission of the project’s intermediate report to the ETH-ORD committee. More information:
On 13 June 2024, the two establish projects financed by the ETH Domain ORD programme will be presented:
- 9.00-9.30: Open and Reproducible Materials Science Research led by Giovanni Pizzi
- 9.30-10.00: Open EM Data Network led by Henning Stahlberg
- 10.00-10.30: Discussion – “open science in these two projects”, best practices, exchanges, etc.
The establish projects aim at establishing ORD practices that are already existing, with a research agenda and a common understanding about ORD practices. The goal is that they become the de facto standards in a community and raise the quality level.
Anyone is welcome to attend this event online. You can register for free here.
Slides from the presentation are available from zenodo.
Edit: A recording of the presentations can be viewed here. The OpenEM portion starts at 41:03 in the recording.